Although we live in a digital age, any smart marketing strategy will include both print and digital activities. In fact, according to a poll, 85 percent of customers prefer to deal with a small business that uses professionally printed materials. Furthermore, of all the online marketing methods, direct mail marketing has the greatest conversion rates.

You’ll need a cohesive marketing plan to get the most of this multi-channel marketing approach. Use the elements below to bring various mediums together and, as a result, generate sales, obtain a clear understanding of ROI, and make changes as needed to develop a healthy business.

Setting a Goal/Vision

Print and digital marketing are complementary to one another. As a result, your objectives for both must be linked in order to avoid overlap while still making the most of each platform’s distinct features. Consider how each platform can work together to achieve your marketing objectives as you develop your approach.


Consistency in branding is crucial, especially as you want to appear both online and offline, from voice and messaging to font and colours. Brand consistency refers to the pattern of expression that determines how people view your company. Your branding will be more consistent if your messaging is consistent—whether through language, design, offerings, or attitude. Customers must be aware of your brand in order for trust and loyalty to develop. Click here to Read more


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